Canadian Registry

Canadian Bowenwork/Bowtech Professional Group (CBBG)


Course Fee Discounts
  • As a member, you are eligible for discounts on repeated classes.
  • Please contact our office for details.
  • As you repeat classes you will come to understand the powerful value of continually refining your work. Your membership allows you to continue your education in the Bowen technique more affordably.
Eligibility to Attend Advanced Electives
  • Your membership entitles you to attend advanced electives, which convey the most up-to-date information about the Bowen technique. Only members may attend these classes.
Bowen Hands
  • You will receive a year’s subscription to Bowen Hands, the quarterly journal sent directly from Australia. Bowen Hands provides in-depth accounts of practitioner’s experiences – these can be vital in expanding your understanding of Bowen, and useful as marketing tools for your own practice.
Main Website
  • List all classes throughout the world and other important information relating to the Bowen Technique
  • Contains links to many private websites belonging to members
  • Members may add biographies and a portrait to the site
  • Contains a number of links to useful information about the Bowen Technique
  • Members have access to message boards where questions and comments may be posted by any of the members around the world
  • Canadian Registry website:
Strengthening the Academy
  • Your membership strengthens the Academy as a whole and enables us to move forward with our efforts to bring the Bowen technique to Canada and the World.